
Crashworthiness is effectively a packaging problem with death, brain damage and quadriplegia as likely outcomes. In a 1952 paper, Hugh DeHaven outlined the following fundamental principles of vehicle crashworthiness and occupant crash protection design. The occupant compartment of a vehicle should retain its basic integrity or “survival space.” Specifically,

    1. The package (passenger compartment) should not collapse under expected conditions of force, thereby exposing its contents (occupants) to damage,

    2. The package should resist, cushion, and/or distribute impact forces, thereby protecting the contents,

    3. The package contents should be tied to the structure, and

    4. The windows and openings should have a barrier to ejection.

Early Vehicle Crashworthiness Research

    1. The Minicars RSV | Publications

Rollover Crashworthiness and Countermeasures

    1. Quasistatic Roof Strength Fixture Design and Testing

    2. Dynamic Rollover Fixture Design and Testing of Dummy-Occupied Vehicles

    3. Rollover Countermeasures

    4. Briefings and NHTSA Docket Submissions